Mrs. Konstanty's UB STEM Page

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                                          Science      Technology     Engineering    Mathematics 

This website can be utilized by both the parents and the students. There are three main purposes for this web site.

  • For parents who opted to recieve all school information electronically instead of in paper form.  

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  • To give parents and caregivers background into what their children are learning. I understand that you may have been taught in a different way when you were in school and/ or it has been a while since you have heard of this material. You may use this website to get a "crash" course into your child's education so that if they ask you questions or would like to discuss with you the contents of their studies, you will feel confident in doing so.

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  • Finally, this website will be designed for an extention of tools and supportive learning material for the student. If they are motivated to go above and beyond the classroom, they may find projects, literature, and blogs to support them their interests.

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